Access Your Passwords Anywhere | Google Password Manager

Have you ever give think about, whenever you sign into a website, why always Chrome asks that, do you want Google chrome to save your password for this site? And have you ever think where it is going to be Saved and how much secure it is and what advantages or use of that saved password you’ll get. As you know very well that Google Chrome is compatible on all devices – Windows-Desktop, Linux and Mac, Mobile- Android and iOS that allows you to access your passwords on any device. But in case you’re using friend’s computer or computer from cyber-cafĂ© with a different browser like Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge for windows 10 or safari for iOS devices, you are still able to access your saved password. So you must be wondering how, right..? Be relaxed..! You’re a minute away to get the straightforward idea on Google password manager and I’ll show you without any stress how to use your passwords at one place, don’t worry..! Now Google password manager will take care about all the passwords.
What is Google Password Manager?
Google Password manager is a program from Google that stores your username and password. Google has an online service that gives you access to all your stored usernames and passwords from anywhere, any-time instantly. You’ll login automatically without remembering or typing the password to the websites you wish.
Besides, it has more other features like automatic strong passwords generation, Android deep integration etc.
How to Use Google Password Manager
What you have to do is, sign in to chrome browser with your existing Google account in an order to get access to Google password manager.  So go to settings, you can do this by clicking chrome menu icon on upper right corner of your Chrome window, and then click “Sign in to Chrome”.
Enter your corresponding email id and password of your Google account.
Well done..! You have successfully signed in into your Google chrome browser
Now make sure that Chrome is set to sync passwords or not by clicking “Advanced sync settings”. (Note: some of the Google features will not be available if you chose second encryption option sync pass-phrase. Ex: you won’t be seeing your saved password on password manager, also the smart lock will not work for android and Google won’t show you suggestions resulting on your browsing activity.)
You can later go to the advance settings then under password you can manage password and view your entire password associated with your every single account. Passwords are hidden with asterisks you can easily revealed them by clicking the corresponding eye icon. You’re no free to remove your saved password but there’s no option to edit password.        

The one question came to my mind is, why should I hide my password..? The reason why, if someone has access to main Google account password, then entire bundle of passwords get accessed by them with Google password website.
So for that you what you've to do is, go to settings of Google chrome- Advanced sync settings. Now go to encryption option and encrypt all synced data with your own sync pass-phrase.  Enter a pass-phrase and save setting, you've done. After a moment your passwords will no longer be available through the Google Passwords website.

 If you’re a moody fellow and you change your mood latter on, then simply reset to default settings to disable pass-phrase.


  1. When we do security audits for companies, we get asked a lot how to manage passwords. I tell them to use a password manager because they have tools built in them already to help keep all employees from being vulnerability spots in the system

  2. Now you don't have to worry about your password, and don't worry if you forgot it, google password manager is perfect solution for you. Thanks for sharing the information.


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